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Student Data Tracker Forms

Student Data Tracker Forms

Student Data Tracker Forms are a great way for the students to keep up with their learning progress and where they need to make improvements. These forms are organized by subject and six weeks.
Monthly Goal Setting and Reflection Sheets

Monthly Goal Setting and Reflection Sheets

Having students to set goals for themselves is a great way for students to take responsibility and ownership for their learning. It is also a great way for them to easily focus on the areas they need to work on and improve their academic performance. Each month, the students will write out goals for them to work on for that month. These can be kept in the student's folder or displayed in the classroom. At the end of each month, there is a reflection page for the students to complete. They will describe the goal they are most proud of completing, what they need to keep working on, and what they would like to do differently next time. What is included: *12 color monthly goal setting pages *12 black and white monthly goal setting pages *12 reflection pages
Monthly Student Behavior Logs

Monthly Student Behavior Logs

A monthly behavior log is a great way for students to take responsibility for their actions at school. On this log, students can write the number that corresponds with the rule(s) they break. I have the parents initial the log each night, but you could also choose to have the parents sign the log at the end of each week. Included: 12 monthly behavior logs (August-July)
Weekly Student Behavior Logs

Weekly Student Behavior Logs

If you are looking for an easy to use weekly behavior log, you are going to love this one!. On this log, students identify if they had a good or bad day at school. If it was a bad day, they can write the number down that corresponds with a rule they broke. There is also a spot for teacher/parent comments and an area for parents to sign the log each night. Included: 12 weekly behavior logs for each month of the year